Zazzabi na ajiye aladun Guinea a gida
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Zazzabi na ajiye aladun Guinea a gida

Zazzabi na ajiye aladun Guinea a gida

A comfortable microclimate for keeping cute “overseas” animals includes temperature data and the required level of humidity. Keeping an animal at home requires the owner to fulfill these requirements: this will help maintain the pet’s normal health.

At what temperature do guinea pigs live

According to experts, the temperature of keeping guinea pigs should be 18-25 degrees. These are the optimal indicators in which the animals feel as comfortable as possible. This species of rodents is sensitive to temperature conditions. They are extremely intolerant of heat, but cold is unbearable for them. 10 degrees is the minimum. Animals live at this level of temperature without getting sick, but such conditions are far from ideal.

It is also necessary to monitor the location of the cell. It should be installed away from batteries and radiators so that the air does not dry out. In summer, you need to protect your pet from both heat and drafts. If possible, the cage can be briefly exposed to the street for cooling, and the presence of a house in it allows you to hide from the sun’s rays or excessive cold.

Zazzabi na ajiye aladun Guinea a gida
The temperature of the keeping of guinea pigs can be regulated with the help of a house that shelters from the sun’s rays.

A number of owners are carrying out the process of adapting the animal to coolness. This requires an extensive aviary with insulated houses. With such a task, it is desirable to keep pets in a group so that they can constantly run and play while on the move.

Danshi da ake buƙata

The degree of humidity in the air also affects the condition of the pet. Based rules:

  • the optimal level is 50-60%;
  • at an indicator of more than 85%, the heat transfer changes in the rodent;
  • high humidity combined with heat provokes heat stroke;
  • similar conditions combined with excessive cold causes hypothermia.

Compliance with these recommendations is necessary for the normal health of the animal. They do not require significant effort, but at a comfortable temperature for guinea pigs, the pet will delight the owner with friendliness and energy.

Video: how to insulate a house for a guinea pig

Video: how to cool a guinea pig

Comfortable temperature for guinea pigs

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